Woman for a massage at home is not stimulating to do such a simple task may seem like at first glance. The circuit to perform this procedure, has its own properties. It's not important, wrong delivery, and partner to have fun with simple but it's a nice touch.
Really was a girl, erotic massage parlor in permanent joint resolution. In this procedure, a home, my dear IMA, introduced by a different paint and other touch generally the intima of the village.
Creates an intimate environment
Erotic massages – "courage" every man. Similar practice in our country, family or beloved sex couples is rare. Here in India the East and a similar manipulation as part of an intimate relationship.
Holding a full body massage exciting, requiring some training, you need to create the right atmosphere, both:
• lubricate the hand cream a few days ago begin planned maintenance, soft leather;• an intimate environment for privacy offend anyone;
• you want to put the woman on a surface, sturdy and flat;
• as with all the tools necessary to take care of, a short distance;
• warm a room to worry about, because they both have in common the massage to be at a point partially or completely naked;
• possible to add additional environment, pleasant music, light, aromatic, or a normal candle;
• cook a hot bath enriched with essential oils to the public.
In the mean time, the planned expenditure transactions appear in 30 to 90 minutes. But if people enters in a planned way, and may require more time for sex. You need to consider this.
We oil
Relax, dear, at home I couldn't get additional funding. Therefore necessary care and oil or lotion of your choice. A woman, not to hide, it's his choice, he can do anything her erotic massage with oil or a cosmetic feature uses continuously after visiting a pool or tub maintenance body.
You with your favorite lotion, cream, oil, or fragrance and was not found, a preference to give advice essential oils:
• lavender;• tea tree oil;
• ylang-ylang;
• jojoba;
• rose or rosemary.
If the partner is a tendency to allergic reactions, the preferred tools available: children's cream, or vazelinovoe kamfornogo hours.
Even the smell of chocolate that causes strong emotions, the beauty of offers, it's a pleasure to the fair sex.
The effect will be higher than if you apply a generous amount of similar applications, oil or body lotion and your hands will love. This must have tool, warm, pleasant.
Erogennie massage rite now you can open the man with his hands, moving towards him for that required by a particular algorithm.

Like to do stimulating massage
By stimulating massages woman staying in the next algorithm:
1. Smooth move, relax and cope with tension.2. Here to excite the value of active touches.
The correct procedure:
• the woman lying on her stomach;• the back should be straight;
• male at the top or bottom wall papers, friend or special offers;
• the woman is completely relaxed under his head and put the foot to encourage cylinder, his roll towels;
• then the hands, applied to the surface of the body oil, lotion or cream.
Excited girl massage value:
1. To do erotic massage chest and abdomen.2. The groin and the genitals to go smoothly.
Basic suggestions
Properly how to make beautiful, loving with a massage:
• must start to knead them with your hands and fingertips, not forgetting pro mezhpolovye membrane;• when a girl lying on her back, slowly moving his fingers, her offer, the motion must be smooth and friction razvivayushie — pillow initially, then let the palm of the ribs;
• then the calf of motion the hip and hip — this area is very sensitive and a different kind of effects, therefore, and pat him pure;
• spin constantly on edge, we are paying extra attention to her, in a particular area between the blades;
• then the transition region, shoulder, and neck — shoulder knead hands, the neck seems to be careful and preferably avoid a powerful blow to the movement upside down, stroking the skin.
Primary, consider the following fields:
1. Neck.2. Fingertips, hands, and feet.
3. The time between the blades and waist.
4. Hips and thighs.
Required to work in these areas in any case, even proximity scheduled to be completed massage.
Massage exciting technical meeting
Partner more sensitive to physical touch, it is recommended to do massage of chest and abdomen. For him to spend the following schema:
• the woman lies back;• some from the side, my hands and feet;
• cream or oil that is applied to his skin;
• you can book before your wedding.
She's wearing an erotic touch and massage to completely naked for a while, because character languages imply care zones:
1. Neck and earlobes.2. Chest.
3. Abdominal and waist area.
4. Spoon.
5. The interior is hip.
Exciting to wear a touch of themselves in a character, is not directed to them, Nov relaxation, stimulation and in specific areas. Why did her body begins to tremble effects.
The Mac guy movements, hands, kisses, touches the skin of your favorite language. It reminds more of a technical meeting such a procedure, it is important to remember that this is a sexual game.
If a year of marriage and his wife as a wife a long time ago that have grown the familiar cold caress, similar stimulation during the wake, her feelings.

How excite girl while massage
Not an exciting character to wear, gentle and effective touch, excite them and warm feeling. An exciting lover at home must be in the schema:
• It is recommended to start neck and ear lobes. This area is sensitive because the nerve endings and blood vessels, because any Shroud stimuliacija literally. Finger and index finger to knead the breasts 2. Then a smooth transition region, the neck and nape.• May be your favorite passionately kiss a woman's neck, then her lips caressed region low-cut and with your fingers by tapping the milk glands.
• Girl good response to any touch, such as breast and mammary glands. But it's not worth compressing them or squeeze. Better to leave this then. When they are hard you can move to the abdominal region.
• Now excite to have to soft them by making circular movements clockwise. Stomach, tongue and lips touch to kiss any woman in the area of Puka.
• Then you need to go. The erogenous area in this area is extremely sensitive and any touch. Possible to use their finger to touch another warning.
• If you have fireworks of passion, complete the procedure, touch the rear thigh.
Or similar won't be able to resist stroking the woman I love before his wife. Body massage by the girl exciting but if the effect didn't it, again noting the possible partner's preferences.
The main rule – must be in contact with the body to get rid of this, permanent, permanent. Frost, who was a new touch, but this expectation was short-lived. Standing Still to watch the girl's reaction, her talking to strangers uncomfortable, and completely concentrated in the process.