Titles in the last version we worked, men of intellect, denial wives, sincerity. Now go and get the other half. Because, according to statistics, at least two big ten women aspire to on every lap. I just don't have such a desire. Though there is no such option. About 40 per cent of those desire - to let hard, but still find they experience the sex meet. And worst of all, most numbers are never forgotten as time passes discharge the ones. Especially after returning from America for a while with her husband. Eventually, the pain on both sides: she's not alone, you want sex, on the other hand. This is not surprising, many of the scientists we're looking for "the antidote" - kind of heating ways and means "cold" ladies.

It works more or less natural methods, just one. For example, Rosemary, recommends the University of British Columbia (and "KP" once is recommended) through sex, women even "I don't want to". His research clearly showed, "the act of sexual intercourse libido recovers itself". Actions and more often, healing comes faster. Testosterone is largely responsible for the woman content in the blood increases lust.
The problem is that most ladies (it is enough to read our site answers) the method of violence disgusted. Mostly emotions, personal sexual husbands dislike artist. And how is it obtained? The obstacle to start treatment with "doctor" and "healing" because it prevents "sick". A vicious cycle erupted like... great desire to meet his wife to allow her husband to go.
Some psychologists, advice, owner erotic ladies video. See survey data, which should more than half the women react to this. It's so exciting. And is quite heavy. And fast - average 743 seconds. For them, speed down only a minute and a half men.
But generally, women don't want to buy a prescription "the doctor" medicine. Arousal will even be aware of. In other words, the physiological response of the fair sex not all the time shows the desire to participate in an intimate relationship. And some ready to overwhelm him.
Scientists claim: women's lust varies over time. And medical statistics, before reaching the peak of passion is an indication of the alleged 35 years. Or later. Maybe do we have to wait?
Unfortunately, many husbands have waited for. But he waited. On the contrary, full, like, had sex willingly and with pleasure the young wife. And growing up, "She's gone rejection".
Scientific logic says: love begets itself secretes chemical substances the body's datura. They also lust and its accompanying emerging fun. A normal woman's body produces adequate amounts and in proper proportions of these substances. Crazy - tight. Then you need to add is missing.
Hope this sexologist pinned at a time applied directly. Even developed custom patches, hormone-injected under the skin. But it brought a huge success to treat this type of. Women themselves more insistent, her unwillingness.
American Professor Larry Young, of memory University, Atlanta experience another hormone - oxytocin, something that leads to sexual fantasies, pushes, clingy people, mutual caress, reduces stress, and trust each other. Lovers at least rises to the level of this hormone.
However, no one yet we purchase directly from the oxytocin thing called love SAL, in vain. A hateful husband and sent his wife's lap in the cold sexy. Even dropped a few times the number of scandals between spouses participating in the experiment.
The professor, however, don't lose hope, success. For counting purposes, and substances that says. He believed that, with their help, to strengthen a sense of love, though still successful. Flashes you still.
For the time being to the end, openness, personal researchers for running two front and feminine organisms and their components. The brain, one, according to many, the most important sexual organ. And in that direction, I think significant progress in the plan to create a potion of love spell.

Drama, The magic of love
Psychiatrist Morten University of Oxford in the pages of the magazine, nature reviews Neuroscience, says that you found in your brain is responsible for sexual pleasure if you call a concrete. But it shows the exact coordinates. As reported, precious little point located in the orbital-frontal Cortex. They say, let him go, pulses, libido, and an adjustable orgasm.
Within the next 10 years, the researcher and master its cultivation operations you intend to create the electronic chip to the same point. Anyone who wants to ensure the goal of sexual pleasure. Always. Management - remote garage door. On a button to stimulate the libido and provide the other to orgasm. Natural during sexual intercourse will be cancelled. Just optimized electronic. WHO and what button to push stuck partners. Though the device is available stand-alone.
The effect of some drugs "cold", there were already ladies. The other approach. But the question is: Who Is there use them?
Doubt the pharmaceutical companies success - count billions of dollars in the resale market. I believe even hang viagra. In fact, women are not less poor impulse "value" of the men. There is a difference between the two... but I'm glad to a strong floor and the treatment itself. And he doesn't want a lot of wind. Sex with a miraculous tablets and these changes occur? Though they secretly feed them, put compote. Or red wine.
Women scientists in the universities of Turin and Florence spent test 798 loyal partners. These women are fed red wine. Poured a glass or two every day. Then various parameters of sexual activity were evaluated drinking: glamour, excitement, and orgasm intensity, pain feels like.
The results, published in the Journal of sexual medicine is a bold experiment. And they show the same one-two urge, reduced or no pain in delivery. But what's more, unfortunately, red wine does not affect. Unfortunately, the authors of the research, so far unsuccessfully, to clarify the effects and mechanisms sexually active women. But they have to get the truth, a secret red wine. And continues to drink.