Reflect the spirit of the woman says to me male, not female, not even if I use mind — that says to me is awareness. Not awareness
Therefore, when we talk about the body, about the mind, the words "male" and "female" is quite appropriate. However, there is something, apart from that, these two concepts, the transcendental. This is a real core of human being. Awareness of this entity occurs only in the presence of that observation. This is pure consciousness.
I'm not saying that now like a man, for men; otherwise, it is actually possible to talk about ... was not a woman. As I said awareness. The body of a woman who has lived a lot of times, a lot of times in the body of a man who has lived it, I witnessed it. I saw all the clothes. My words are based on experience, not only in this life, but many, many previous life. A real life I just the culmination of a long cross.
So don't take my word as male or female, don't worry about it; otherwise, you just listen to me. Think of awareness like me.

(Dhammapa: the way of Buddha)
I think you're the only one this planet who really understands and takes the women who like them, like them. Please comment.
Like I said, You have to love a woman, understand that. This is the first.
Life's too mysterious what's able to reach her heights, impossible a glance to him a deep Secret. Any manifestation of life — a man, a woman, a tree, an animal or a bird's — learning this topic, a scientist, not a mystic. I'm not a scientist. Science, in itself, a mystery and, for me, scientists began to recognise today. Incorrect expressions for them today they fear their garbage about a day old, mystery, you need to know.
Hotel Albert Einstein science began to flourish and a completely different way because it is immersed deeper the secrets, the larger the item came in a daze. Was forced to give up, and logic and rationality. Nothing in life, it's not, of course, by your logic. This quality inherent in a person of logic. He remembered him in my life I had doubts about Albert Einstein for a moment, do we need all the rationality of the stick... but that would be ridiculous. This behavior it's human nature, but that would be unreasonable. Even stubbornly refuse to follow logical, rational, logic that is emerging clearly life doesn't go to listen at all; on the contrary, logic, reason, must be to obey the logic of life. One day, a swinging time income and product accounts, logic, rationality, and just listen to nature. I say this lofty conception, however, the regular a sense the word. You know, you feel, but not enough words for me to express to you.
Man — this is a secret, a mystery, every living thing is a mystery, and all attempts to reveal the US sentenced him.
I remember a situation, when a man in a toy store I bought a present to his son for Christmas. Because he is a famous mathematician, a shop owner gave him the picture-riddle. I've tried to collect all of this great mathematician is a puzzle. I managed to collect the image in any way to him, she was beautiful I feel weird. His attempts failed, it was observed that buyers, sellers and the shop owner, and he couldn't collect. Finally her frayed nerves, and she screamed the shop owner:", mathematician, I can't collect this picture, a child how to cope with this task?"
The owner replied: "No, you don't understand. Pregnant because of this puzzle, no one is a mathematician how to solve it, nor anyone else".
"What puzzle similar meaning?" asked a mathematician.
"If you understand done this with a boy studied childhood, life is impossible to solve, I don't understand it," replied the shop owner.
Enjoy life, happy to be a part of life for his secrets, but to make him understand, it is absolutely impossible for an audience.
I don't understand myself. The biggest mystery for me, I'm dying itself. But you a few hints:
Psychiatrist — his wife who is a substantial Fee for this settings for the same questions, sets you free.
The keys say it anyway: you an affection about how to talk about love, about passion, but real ecstasy that you experience to find you again, then lost his keys.
The woman taken before the attack, the men then cut them off and give him an exit strategy.
If you want to change if a woman accept Him. If you want to learn, in her mind, this woman really see him, but not look.
The woman ran towards the police:
— Do you see that guy over there, The Corner House, gets on my nerves.
I watched it, and she answered, the police didn't look in the direction.
— This is getting on my nerves.
Will not bring you romantic young man back in bed and asked: "your first time?"
After thinking a moment, she replied: "it may be scary faces".
All-clad secret: from work to enjoy life more, understand him. After all, who's work he's going to understand Life, you idiot, enjoy your life, becomes who you are, sage and continues to take pleasure in more deeply aware of the mystery that surrounds us.
Lies in a great understanding, I can't understand anything, everything is mysterious and wonderful