Hormones definitely plays a very important role in every person's life. All systems that process has an effect on their level of organs and tissues. Deserves special attention, and all that female sex hormones have an impact on the female reproductive system. Also it is important to know hormone, which is responsible for libido for women.

Libido – sex drive, passion and sexual desire. Contrary, physiological levels of male erection, libido psychological level. A feminine impulse that carries the most liability, estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone. But a little responsibility and he falls in partial testosterone – the male hormone that a woman's body and that there was one place.
Libido and estrogen
However, what the hormone responsible for sexual desire in women is already open. However, there is no longer value, like to dwell on detail, all of this is in the body.
Sex hormone oestrogen has three representatives:
- strong;
- estriol;
- Ethinyl.
Ovaries that a woman's body to produce them. The greatest responsibility lies libido Estradiol level depends on exactly his passion and desire for women. And if this hormone is really nice, so no deviation from the norm, the representative, residing at sex, good mood and morale.
It may be the female hormones level, permanent, stable, particularly the menstrual cycle. During this period its different libido variability. Thirst is creating the moment of sexual peak spawning, and then gradually decreases. This is considered to be a norm.
The second phase, the menstrual cycle characterized by a decline in libido. Premenstrual syndrome may occur during this period, i.e.:
- increased irritability and moodiness;
- depression;
- by pulling the blunt lower abdominal pain;
- headache;
- is a sleep disorder.
Which opens in women menopause, sexual desire, and arousal decreases. The reason for this, however on a large hormonal regulation decreases estrogen levels and ovarian function. Flora vaginal mucosa tolerate changes becomes more dry, Why is sexual actions may be uncomfortable and even painful. In general, menopause that have a great impact on the mental and emotional situation than it appears. Estrogen hormones and mood a close relationship with all of them.
Estrogen is responsible for female libido, share, progesterone with their own characteristics, not only responsible, women's sexuality at the same time, monitors the menstrual cycle. When she fell her level in women decreases libido. Progesterone of the menstrual cycle primarily depends on horse racing. At low concentrations, this hormone some changes that occur in the female body.

Rejecting the norm, what happens?
Estrogen is not only responsible for sexual attraction. Bone growth, formation of sexual characteristics and the development of sexual organs and using them. Together with progesterone, the pregnancy they host controllers. As a result, the increased level, the woman's face, overweight, intrauterine infection, threat and risk of miscarriage pathologies children. Sudden increase in hormone levels exclude the presence of pituitary gland formations.
In this case, at low concentration of estrogen, a woman faced with calluses vote than the lack of rapid hair growth.
A high level of hormones like symptoms will manifest:
- the vascular mesh on the legs of live paint;
- disorders heart;
- shortness of breath;
- a sudden weight gain.
If a small amount of hormones produced, the symptoms may be as follows:
- excessive appetite;
- sudden changes, hair color is darker;
- low sex drive;
- manifestation of a symptom of, a significantly male gender.
Another important figure in the name of the female libido hormone control advocates instituted. This comrade is considered a male representative, however, and manages effects on the female body "sensual" desire, in spite of a small concentration of her. However, this functionality doesn't stop there. Testosterone a woman's body that are responsible for features such as:
- increase male libido;
- care, Nov Tonus and skin;
- improvement of the bone marrow;
- maintenance;
- breast development;
- control body weight;
- maintenance of viability.

Any abnormalities will be immediately tangible. If the overabundance of sex hormone a woman with fast hair growth. Here may be a lack of signal when testosterone is menopause. Sexuality a woman's head slowly begins to fade when the aging process which is characterized by excessively dry skin. Perishable and general status: visible fatigue, drowsiness, irritability appears, deteriorating mood.
The rejuvenation process depends on the woman's body testosterone enhancer of all her sexuality. Because of this, her primarily to a shortage of his physical appearance and general well-being. Dry skin leads to wrinkles gradually. In addition, the results are accompanied by a lack of hormone as:
- crisis sexual urge;
- accumulation fat layer, especially on the arms and abdomen;
- is joint pain.
In the extreme, the order of the full results:
- additional body weight;
- irregular menstruation;
- excessive growth lines;
- hair loss, as well as deteriorating general condition, including and fatness;
- irritability;
- in a rough voice.
In addition, excessive hormones increase your sex drive, or rather, to do so extreme.
The stabilized level of testosterone without resorting to drug treatment. For this, generally adequate diet review. Must belong to him, juices, vegetables, white bread, meat, and honey. To be consumed at a reduced level hormone products containing a large amount of zinc. Testosterone also increases the levels of foods rich in beneficial oils:
- oily fish;
- vegetable oils;
- it's nuts.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
FSH, the main ingredient, knowing the formation of male and female sex drive. FSH and estrogen in women sex glands also impact the occurrence regulation of egg formation.
Peak concentrations of FSH, the emergence of these results, spawning. An abnormal elevation may occur for the following reasons:
- neoplasm of the pituitary gland;
- uterine bleeding;
- pathology of the kidney.
Excessive alcohol abuse is also a very good can answer that FSH increase.
Hormone deficiency disorders in turn increases the risk of reproductive functions. The hypothalamus and pituitary disorders of the reproductive system functional disorders in question, this polycystic ovarian. The main symptom to reduce the hormones, the absence of menstruation (over three months or more) or uterine bleeding, the menstrual cycle having intercourse. May be present as well as chronic pathology, reproductive system, and constant headaches.
How about it, excessive FSH level, or breach in this case, the complete lack of characteristic symptoms, menstrual disorders, infectious lesions, the genitourinary system and the crisis of the sexual impulse.
All of the above shouldn't be any problem traces to protect your libido and sex life, don't be afraid to visit a doctor for any inaccuracies scroll necessary for women, hormone tests and rental. More to the point that you violate any of the hormonal background can easily eliminate have more severe consequences.