Very with the fair sex when it's getting harder, it's exciting and this may be causing stress, PMS, age-related changes in the body or physical fatigue. There is a very effective way to get rid of this problem, but become one of the most popular aphrodisiacs, home made improvised. Only natural ingredients pharmacological a good alternative for expensive drugs products and moving them is not bad.
How a woman stimulating: 5 best recipes
Alternative Medicine, dozens of recipes within the body, the means of production, raised sex drive in women. Some start to move and within a few minutes, others slowly, the same result in the desired outcome. Below are the five best stimulating elixirs, expensive components and requires a complex process of preparation for each purchase.
Shounk shallots instead
Sight Shippuden – known across the world designed for young girls and women their age with the aphrodisiac powder, pain frigidity. Cantharid a powerful substance that has been his composition. That is, small insects, honour and reputation of the drug.
the stomach wall and is absorbed very quickly and then start moving cantharid is 10 minutes away. That irritant receptors in the reproductive system, this in turn provokes a sharp blood flow to the pelvic organs. This increase increased sensitivity to the vaginal walls as well as instantly increases sexual desire.
It was a good feature Shounk drug stye, taste and smell. Подсыпать партнерше gives opportunity for his men quietly, if that notice appeared to relationship problems and refuses any infectious that you can use as a volunteer.
The value for such a car it's very expensive, but do it yourself. To perform this operation a few step-by-step do this:
- search of insects;
- billet raw materials;
- preparation of an exciting new liquid.
Search raw materials
Ясеневая spunk which is a small insect with two large Yesil on the fields under the wings Secret wings. You'll find him throughout Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Residential steel insect belongs to the family of olive and honeysuckle plant (sambucus, kalina, Jasmine, lilac).
Mostly on their lilac therefore not an independent registrar to examine a few dozen shrubs and a few raw materials are required to collect these insects. Then spread on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes strength metal. Most importantly dries.
Перемалываются dry grinder and then sent to the insect. Ready to store away from direct sunlight to dust the need.
Recipe warning
To do this, you need to take a potent stimulant for women with his own hands:
- 100 ml of vodka or alcohol diluted with water (1-3);
- Shounk dust the tip of a knife;
- 10 gr. milled ginseng root.

All the ingredients are mixed, the sparkle of little capacity (suitable for a clean bottle any drug, preferably to the distributor) and the goods a couple of days. Added 2 drops of liquid to ready tea, wine, or juice for 15 minutes to have sex.
Drops to use most or stimulant powder in its pure form, language, mixing a drink of any type is strictly prohibited! cantharid able to cause a strong poison in high doses. Maximum daily rate tincture, Shippuden – 6 drops.
Drink honey with dried fruit
Honey alone is a useful product to the human body, but to combine it with dried fruit, something to get an effective aphrodisiac blend, a gifted light burn even the most passive woman. Also the only drink (honey) and a positive effect on libido, but also maintains the incentive to get rid of many diseases or preventing viral infections.
Excitation of drinking the recipe includes the following components:
- raisins – 1 tablespoon;
- pear – Double fruit;
- prunes – 3-4 pieces;
- a few dates without a bone.
Listed перемалываются dry fruit blender into a pot and filled the cup with water and boil for a period of 5 minutes высыпаются. The drink poured and finished at a specific time to him and added two teaspoons of honey.
Must pathogenic drinking honey 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. Time lack of sex drive, to be consumed every day for a month, a few weeks.
This method quickly excitation is contraindicated in people:
- diabetes;
- obese;
- allergic beverage components;
- fibrillation.
Also the necessary control during pregnancy, the amount of honey, therefore, is not recommended for future mothers, drinking more water, a glass of this drink a day.
Decoction herbs, increase libido
The water fast a medicinal plant belongs to the group of pathogens. That normal business has been weakening and that helps get rid of the reasons why the female reproductive system, sex drive. Regular intake of these drugs improve mood, interest in sex will awaken, as well as permission for new excitement in the mating process.
Necessary to water the plant for food to buy a pharmacy:
- Pink Rhodiola;
- ginseng;
- red root;
- lemon;
- Mint;
- eleutherococcus;
- echinacea.

The cost of the lawn that are listed very cheap, but they are rather an expensive medication frigidity a number its effectiveness.
You need to take a decoction of the plant production and plant pour a liter of water a teaspoon of each. Advanced drug проваривается on low heat for about 15 minutes, then is poured 150 ml twice a day on an empty stomach and остужается выпивается.
Drinking water the result, herbs can be seen after 2-3 weeks. To speed up the healing process like this, it is recommended to combine healthy food, such as a tablet or female viagra, is.
Pepper spray aphrodisiac with his own hands
A good recipe that was quick to eat another piece of evidence for effective бабушкиным a few drops of a potion capable of change with a woman in bed within a few minutes of recognition. Composition of input materials, there are almost every person in the house:
- pepper – pods half;
- dry mustard – 5 gr.;
- chicken egg – 1 pc.;
- the whole lemon water (citric acid is not appropriate in this case);
- or Morse tomato paste – about a tablespoon.
All products are mixed and the resulting team is added to any drink 2-3 to cappel, 15 minutes for intimacy. Make sure before I use it, fresh chicken eggs. If a product prove to be defective will, at the most critical time of the fair sex visible problems, gastro-intestinal tract:
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- abdominal pain.
Pepper spray potion, strong but short-lived effect. Why sexual arousal he quickly rush, but after 20 minutes starts to gradually decrease. Therefore, to reduce the foreplay time is less preferred.
Dioscorea tincture from the root
Dioscorea (wild Yam), an herb, a photo of natural progesterone. The root of this plant is the drug normalize hormonal background, health improves, production of natural lubrication in women, eliminates both the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Chemical composition of Dioscorea includes:
- saponins;
- Chrome;
- selenium;
- diorskin;
- starch;
- rhamnose.
This Set conducive to get rid of useful things, depression, relieving mental and emotional tension, which in turn helps the woman relax and feel a desire to.
To cook you need to take the tincture:
- 150 gr. milled Yam root;
- 10 gr. ginger powder;
- 4-5 leaves of lemon balm.
All components are filled with 500 ml quality vodka and placed in a dark and cool place for a few days. Ready infusion is considered sex with minor amounts of two teaspoons half an hour ago to eat. If necessary the dose can be increased to three spoons, but it is worth remembering, is full of sharp, uneven pressure overdose, emergence, edema and nausea.
Erotic cooking
Delicious products-aphrodisiac – an easy way any woman with a heart. Correctly selected materials permission избраннице instantly back into its own sensuality, improve libido, to solve many problems as well as a sincere character.
Seafood with wild rice
Refers to seafood with boiled rice and main dishes. A high-calorie food, so Figure the fair sex, it will not hurt him.
Cooking recipe includes:
- a full cup of wild rice;
- two tablespoons of lemon juice;
- olive oil;
- 10 medium peeled shrimp;
- a garlic clove;
- 100 gr. seaweed;
- black pepper, salt, and other spices to taste.
Перебирается rice thoroughly, cleaned trash, and washed a few times. Wrap into the pan and then poured two glasses of water. Brew must be a maximum of 10 minutes on low heat. Then the water is reduced to shoot in January declined, and you are left with rice in a saucepan for at least another 10 minutes.
Prepare grits up, heat olive oil and saute shrimp with garlic in a pan along with him as necessary. Inside her at the end, lemon juice and spices are added. Rice, seafood
Ready rice mixed with garlic and shrimp, wraps, a small plate and put her on top of seaweed. Oral with a woman the smell of garlic, at the end of a meal, he drinks milk.
The salad is the goddess of love
This dish is the best way for a short period of time, strengthen libido and feed beneficial ingredients into the body. The goddess of love salad for dinner, you may need to:
- 1 orange;
- 1 ripe avocado fruit;
- 4-5 dates, pitted;
- a handful of raisins;
- two tablespoons pine nuts or forest;
- a medium banana;
- Yesil Apple;
- nonfat yogurt filling.
All components have been cleaned, into small cubes teething, mixed, and transferred to a plate. Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds or poppy seeds.
The salad to go with a cocktail, bananas, tea, or ginger. If you want you can add strawberry, cherry or peach.
Chocolate milkshake
Chocolate really helps to raise disagreements about disagreement remains among scientists over the years, representatives have a beautiful sex drive is sex. However, even though they supposedly still has not arrived, this delicacy, an indispensable attribute of any romantic evening.
If they say the doctors eat every day 50 gr. on the day of chocolate, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease 30%! But it should not be forgotten that it is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.
Female libido as well as the positive effects of chocolate:
- prevents the development of inflammatory processes of urogenital system organs;
- increases physical endurance;
- weakens PMS symptoms;
- improves mood;
- eliminates and depression.

To encourage this, numerous beneficial contained in the article:
- antioxidants;
- vitamins A, B, C, D, E;
- phosphorus;
- sodium;
- fluorine;
- potassium.
Excitation to upgrade it can I eat 100-150 gr. chocolate, sex half an hour or so, but in order to reduce the waiting time for, the best thing to do him a cocktail.
Drink composition entry to the following articles:
- ½ Cup low-fat milk;
- dark chocolate without filling half a tile;
- a touch of cinnamon;
- some raisins;
- a spoon of orange juice for flavor.
All listed components are mixed with a blender and drink immediately after cooking. Improve efficiency recommended him to drink to drink and fruit salad-aphrodisiac.