Similar potency in men is very bright and the subject often rises female like conversations, but this doesn't mean it does. In this article, and some methods to resolve problems with the power of women to talk about.

Women of power: causes
Named as libido or sex drive, the famous psychoanalyst, Freud, this desire for sexual pleasure with another person.
No results blaming in the first place, no change in libido, or the relationship of the level of the senses with a partner. Love always goes a passionate desire body. Try to understand first, is there any other possible causes of decreased libido. They may be:
In the body hormonal crashes:
- Like men, the hormone testosterone is accompanied by a sex drive in women, and all women — estrogen. This lack of a woman's body can cause a low sexual activity.
- Like men, the hormone testosterone is accompanied by a sex drive in women, and all women — estrogen. This lack of a woman's body can cause a low sexual activity.
- - Breaking study, the pituitary is a hormone responsible for the production necessary.
Psychological issues:
- Constantly feeling tired;
- Depressed mood is not a good situation;
- Chronic stress;
- Various phobias related to sex and their body;
- Insecurity, doubt, objection, own body;
- A bad experience, rough sex by a partner.
At the level of the body physiology the reasons:
- Obesity;body
- Urinary tract disease (cystitis, Thrush, various inflammations attachments);
- Applications easily meets side effect of medications ( drugs, central nervous system and other).
You need to consult with a doctor to find the cause and will be involved in the treatment of a prescription.
Potency drugs for women
Because of a boost in demand of power, a vehicle for women health products on the market that are now observed in many different drugs. Though many of these tools are created by professionals, it's not worth it to decide for yourself which vehicle is the best fit. These drugs are not all versatile: some help, or to hurt others just to give does not have any effect.
The power to increase using drugs?
First, consult your doctor. He or she will tell you which tool is a good choice. That you prescription drugs medical form:
- pill;
- capsule;
- powder;
- a drop;
- ointments and tonics.
Women in power: folk remedies
Though, modern medicine, enough flour, again application of tablets the possible side effects should be avoided if possible. Improve your sex drive for using it are also many folk remedies, the trek to the doctor about this to avoid the use of sincere.

How to increase strength, and women folk remedies?
Revenue techniques libido in women:
- about the therapeutic properties of herbs and fruits using drugs);
- apitherapy (remedies with honey for its therapeutic properties);
- leeches leech therapy with therapeutic properties).
The method is to apply apitherapy honey 2-3 tablespoons every day. This product features useful, you are able to positively affect emotional and physical condition of a person. Cycle to normal general condition of body and increase libido, in the body that creates a favorable environment for women quality sex.
Leech therapy method to enjoy a small request, because everyone's courage yield your body leeches. In considering a way to solve this problem, some experts are making ourselves the working principle of this method book.
Folk Phytotherapy is the most popular method. Includes various application such as herbs, the body, the body about food, increase libido.
Women that increases the potency of grass
Herbal infusions and decoctions useful features capable of specific, effective way to deal with a problem of poor impulse. Among these, the most celebrated action when applying such a popular effective methods:
- Jakarta decoction infusion or creeping. This feature in most pharmacies and a different ability which is responsible for estrogen and testosterone bring normal or increased sex drive.
- Damiana leaf – infused the spirit of the herbs, remove, improve, physical activity and sexual desire to strengthen one's body. Brew tea Damiana leaves (2-3 leaf Cup), prepare a tincture by using 10 grams of the plant boiled in half a litre of water. To apply at the most 3 times a day.
- Shatavari infusion or decoction. This plant is able to feed eggs to rejuvenate female sexual organs and strengthen the necessary ingredients, skills fertilize. Increased strength, then maybe 50 in women and when applied to such herbs.
- Wild yam estrogen and progesterone stimulate the sexual urge of the woman you are able to resource.
- Rhodiola rosea or golden root. Use the bottle of alcohol as this kind of contribution in order to improve the general condition of herbs that will give a woman a unique feeling that will improve the effectiveness and women having sexual intercourse in bed. These herbs are not recommended for hypertensive patients.
Products which increase your power in women?
Eating certain foods increase libido in a way that is different from other accessibility.
The most effective products to enhance power-up libido include:
- Honey. You can use to increase the effect by adding honey and walnuts. If consuming 1 tablespoon of this mixture 2-3 times each day – does not wait for the result. Also add honey, prunes, raisins, figs. Store the prepared mixture refrigerate. You can use bread, yogurt, milk.
- Greens, green onion, parsley, celery, coriander salad with talented women as a separate application or shortcut to increase sexual desire.
- The application also Tomatoes and cucumbers in almost any kitchen, surprise your spouse You sexual attraction though.
- Contribute to quality, to have sexual intercourse, some seafood: fish, mussels, calamari, crayfish. These foods rich in calcium, a strong desire to influence.
- Emphasize the value between strawberry, raspberry, you want female sexual organs rich in vitamins. The combination of blueberries and raspberry leaves its effect with chestnut color pair a pot of tea. Further, a reinforcing effect, tea, honey, bread, jam, black currant.
- The ingredients of pumpkin seeds are also useful in the sexual sphere. They are a powerful resource relevant vitamins and minerals to improve the process skilled Love Mating. Insisting that you must use a damp cloth for about 2-3 days seed to increase the effect.
- Ginger is one of the best funding to increase female libido. Spices that can be consumed, and in addition to tea or cooking a variety of dishes.

Some products remarkable this fact vice-versa to decrease sex drive. This groups includes a variety of fried and fatty foods, foods difficult to digest stomach. The day of fasting and light meals are able to make application easier and your sexual relationship rich.
Folk remedies the problems to the appropriate people, and sexual attraction is there. The application of herbs and foods enhances the libido, improve the quality of sexual intercourse and contribution, respectively, to establish relationships between partners.
As you can see, to save money, there's a lot of women sexual desire, but the most effective individual choice. The appropriate method to be reliable just in order to highlight the different options for a particular person. Just stand and don't give up, for the first time, failed to solve the problem. Because it is a very good choice. a popular thing is not possible with physical proximity change.