Discharge genital organs are the norm for men and women, but sometimes to talk about the diseases and. Pioneer is usually abnormal discharge, infections, sexually transmitted infections.

The selection of an Institute for men, called viscous liquid. His urethral gland secretions Cooper. Training for viscous liquid diapers for extra excitement. Mucus they secrete a slightly alkaline fluid character. Their number varies and depends on the characteristics, body, or sexual abstinence duration. These are included in secretions containing sperm to fertilise an egg.
Bulbourethral glands secret it moisturizes, supports the urethra, sperm is alkaline environment for the preservation of life and supportive environment while they pass and the urethra.
Viscous liquid secreted is also when you masturbate, the expected penetration of early sexual intercourse.
This secret function, acid neutralizing media, called urethra, the urine. The fluid in the vagina too acidic to Alkali media to contribute sperm to survive changed to Wednesday. Another feature – this role lubrication during intimacy.
Smegma – this is a physiological discharge glands in head of penis. Their number is less. Deleted of course, does not bring discomfort and hygiene. In his absence, failure to comply with the rules of hygiene, smegma accumulates under the foreskin and can cause inflammatory disease as balanopostit.
Sperm allocation operation, discharge, and sperm the sexual secret that has in its composition.
Emission – an involuntary ejaculation in males during adolescence, a period that usually occurs during sleep or a long abstain.
If a man realizes that the secretions of the weather Series and changed him consult a doctor. Abnormal discharge, it can be for men-watered, gray, yellow, thick. Their emergence is accompanied by a feeling of burning, pain and discomfort to the urethra.
Normal values male secretions
Discharge during stimulation in men, the individual in their own terms. If the person follow their health, he knows his limitations.
Increases the release of the physiological, and more long-term drinking of my sincerity. In this case, make them thicker and more cloudy color. Norm secretions:

- watery and transparent;
- fragrance unexpressed;
- average density.
Discharge there may be a change that affects food, stress, chronic diseases, bad habits.
The rules intimate hygiene men:
- The use of soap with neutral acidity.
- Washing the genitals 2 times a day.
- Somebody's head pulling back circumcised.
- Testicular avoid overheating.
- Lingerie should be extensive and natural fabrics.
Selection of women
Discharge in women during arousal is called in the language of the people lubricated. The view is a non-transparent liquid fragrance. Fluid secreted by special glands in the vagina. And with him a private cell and micro-organisms the representatives of the normal vaginal microflora.
Secret is divided into a vaginal and a normal case an amount of 5 ml a day. When stimulated, the number of the Sexual Glands increases blood flow. The physiological properties of the body depending, some more than the other girls call him less.
Thanks, penis, vagina, lubrication is provided for comfortable penetration. During spawning, the composition is changing to ensure the vaginal secretions of pregnant.
Additionally, changes in the composition of vaginal secretions throughout the menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, they are transparent and watery. Their function at this stage, protect the mucosa from entering the infections. Closer to ovulation, become thicker, fragrance reminiscent of egg whites. Then the number of spawning decreases secretions, menses girl and the day before that is experiencing a mouth.
Vaginal secretion is normal values
Norma, female secretions:
- liquid, transparent;
- gelatinous during ovulation;
- a small amount near increasing spawning and declining thereafter;
- color without an unpleasant smell;
- no irritation to the vaginal mucosa or the skin of external genital organs;
- the accompanying subjective sensations.
An amount of the mucus increases during sexual intercourse vaginal discharge – sign warning.
Ejaculation orgasm peak of men and women in at a time. Not one that contains male reproductive cells cum. Hotels in secretory tissue secreted urethra. Men, on the contrary, such emissions may occur multiple times sexual intercourse a secret. This amount is significantly more men. Abundance, cum shows, and it takes a woman, maximum fun.
Vaginal secretions normal hygiene rules:

- To use special soap for intimate hygiene. Lactic acid should be a part of the composition to protect the acid-alkaline environment of a vagina.
- To secrete large amounts of daily used sanitary pads changes on a regular basis.
- Wear underwear with natural fabrics.
- It is advisable to wash, twice a day.