Problems in intimate life of many couples, and if until recently, treatment of this problem is extremely masculine, many women increase libido about now for some reason. In this paper the basic causes of loss of libido ways to increase female sexual arousal and, if possible, upgrade it.
Why reduced sex drive
There are many reasons this problem may lie on the basis. Constant fatigue, fast-paced life, joint problems, an intimate relationship is monotonous, stressful situation, a negative atmosphere in the workplace, at home or incompatibility of partners, this causes only a small part of frigidity.

And no a strong argument for the physical and psychological urge that you consult your doctor. However, every woman is a very sensitive subject and you will be able to trust a doctor, but it should be noted, to those only qualified personnel who helped made possible by a low libido.
There is another way out of this situation? Part, yes, women and girls created for similar situations for vehicles and stimulating.
Female stimulant drugs in motion
Stimulants use a woman pleasure, not only of the fair sex, but their partners. 'Each man's passionate imagination of a girl.
Many exciting tools such as the property, they move on almost instantly. And very rare has a side effect, he observed, only individual intolerance to the components of means with my partner.
What kind of changes how stimulating effects on the female organism during the application of data tools?
- The most sensitive skin
- Application then it appears you have a partner, sexual desire, excitement.
- While increases orgasm more powerful
- More lubrication selection
After applying stimulant drugs, she feels the first symptoms libido, her breast will be tighter, deeper breath, and stylish.
Any female stimulators
Female sex stimulants sold in the shop only, but normal in in pharmacies. Stimulant drugs are sold in pharmacies includes the following types:
Pill capsule with
The most popular of these use. A suitable bag to carry them, easy to sneak a drink. Tools such as motion starting already after half an hour, about six hours of their time and actions.
Drops, dust stimulants
Similar drugs, a different, fast-acting, anxiety begins, ten minutes. Don't drip and dust, taste and smell, therefore you will not be able to loot a real taste drink.
A stimulating oil, gel, cream
Data drugs, suitable for external use only, in time, nearly two hours of their action.
Is there much demand for this tool is a girl since 10 minutes to achieve the desired effect.
How a working woman stimulating, Contraindications, Side Effects
Stimulant drugs accelerate blood circulation, causes the main side effect is redness, and body regions. But I fear that it's not worth it, because this is the physiological response of the body, it didn't take long.
Side effects occur when the wrong dose, this can be a headache, dizziness, or nausea. You should consult a doctor before using that prescription for the correct dose, the body will choose for you an appropriate medication increase libido.
Basic contraindications stimulants any woman:

- During pregnancy and lactation
- High blood pressure, hypertension and heart problems
- Genital inflammation
- Inflammatory processes in the body
- Bodily diseases
- It is not recommended to use innocent stimulant drugs during the first sexual intercourse, the blood circulation that can be caused by severe pain on the labia because it's fast.
Effect of contraceptive drugs female libido
Italian scientists have proven positive effect of contraceptive drugs female libido. Composition, including modern contraceptives, estrogen, sex drive increases. Through the application, this is kind of a birth of a woman recovered most, calm, like to relax during sexual intercourse.
A positive effect also, birth control pills, estrogen reduces pain menstruation and premenstrual syndrome.
Now, think about it some more excitation to develop drugs.
Female Viagra
This pink pill, female increase libido with a thin shell. Before taking this medicine use to move the place to be seen for half an hour, about 5 hours. Daily dose is 100 ml.
Before using, always if you are having problems with the instructions, kidneys, liver, diseases of the digestive system to be reduced the dose of 25 ml.
Increasing female libido at home
Many women are skeptical for the purchase of pharmaceutical drugs libido enhancer.
Food and beverage
Perfect for products that help in this regard, the sex drive supplement:
- Strawberry – like, black currant, and strawberry.
- Fruit – grapes, bananas, and they contain serotonin stimulates the production of the female hormones. Recovers potency women fig
- Citrus — orange, tangerine, lemon – positive effects on reproductive function.
- Avocado – the fruit of this article is to normal blood circulation, helps elasticity of the vessels.
- Greens: asparagus, parsley, onion, cayenne pepper (red and black)
- Nuts, especially almonds.
- Sharp spices, spices, spices: increase libido partners.
The most powerful way to Seafood opened. They are rich in zinc, useful amino acids, contribute to libido in both men and women.
Between drink, champagne, wine, grapes, pomegranate juice, and coffee, that excites a woman's body about 15-20 minutes. The effect of the drug continues 4-5 hours. Contains guarana, motion, and squeeze the grapes, sugar cane, root highlander.
Throughout also increase female libido herbs:
- jasmine flowers,
- licorice root,
- thyme,
- flax seed,
- advertisement-ylang,
- Sardinia is the home of.
- pulse hops
- arnica.
- chopped aloe and honey based composition
- tea tree oil.
- golden root boiling
Stimulating massage

Desire in women, occurs much more slowly than men. To the girl faster, exciting to use a special massage. The most effective way foreplay before intimacy. The excitation of some technology connected with volatile oils, from reaching methods of removal, lack of sexual drive.