Vaginal discharge quality — is a meaningful indicator of women's Health, which is halal if you have a judge, or this or other pathologies. Modern medicine secretions of various types from each other, and others some norm, symptoms, an inflammatory or infectious process. Consider a kind of more – a woman's vaginal lubrication.
Composition, female lubrication

Female sexual organs are called the natural vaginal fluid, mucus transparent color is given, the other.
That is an extremely difficult essay: the cell that contains it and liquid components; private mucus produced by glands in the vaginal epithelium and uterine cavity; as well as leukocyte and some bug.
The minimum number of pathologies and diseases refer to a recent lack, however, the number of grows and the nature of the transmission varies.
Continuous lubrication is given, but the amount of sexual arousal several times higher. First, this natural lotion, okay, protects, and mechanical damage of the vagina during sexual intercourse. Secondly, it maintains a directory of the items included, once you penetrate a woman's body.
During arousal, the walls of the vagina dilate blood vessels and surging rich "sweat" – because of the small liquid droplets in the vagina. This natural lotion, okay.
A healthy woman's vaginal lubrication — very thick, a non-transparent substrate without a distinct odor and color.
In some cases, color may vary – for example, a sexual relationship then becomes more thick and milky-white.
View consistency is not required for lubrication and the woman left without notice: change to allow timely detection rapidly evident pathology of the reproductive system of the body.
Selection effects such as sexual intercourse
Average moisture formed in the walls of the vagina start about 10-15 seconds after stimulation of the erogenous zones at the same time or live a powerful psychological arousal.
A signal service almost ready to join this is the friend of the penis or a woman.
After the introduction, natural lotion, all right nonstop to produce his opposite number grows. Maximum lubrication is provided in the period of an orgasm. Then, the excitation recession allocation functions returned to normal.
Interestingly, natural lotion once, OK it looks my happiness, arousal female, tea, or something fake like him keep pace unimaginable.
You can swap the sperm into vagina due to to enter color selections. Unprotected sexual intercourse and vaginal lubrication as a result of the characteristic intense white color. Therefore, the unnecessary is thrown out of sperm.
While the choice of using a condom or termination of the relationship also fuller, thicker, but the Hand Cream is a consistency in the viscosity.
Cool if you changed the highlight color, any texture, before sexual intercourse or lack thereof – will surely go gynecologist examination.
The reasons for insufficient vaginal lubrication training

If the body produces very, very normal lotion, okay, the totals may be very different: more vulnerable to bacteria and germs and sexual sexual organs, accompanied by a strong discomfort.
A woman and her friend Sexual the lack secreting harmful: may have extreme vaginal dryness, breakage or damage to rein in your penis.
What secretions lower the number?
- Intake, hormonal and some other drug;
- To be permanent, under stress, the most sensitive and physical overload;
- Sexually transmitted diseases and the infectious disease process. In this case it is worth to note that the woman that looks like vaginal fluid: what colour, what the owner laces, thick or liquid;
- Hormonal imbalance;
- Diseases, reproductive and urogenital system;;
- An inadequate level of arousal before having sex, the desire of the violation;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Pathology of the nervous system;
- During breast-feeding.
As you can see, quite a lot of reasons. In any case, impossible to self-medicate – please always support and consulting gynecologist. Halal isn't going to be appointed a full medical examination then diagnostic pathology and efficient treatment method.
The properties of the vaginal fluid if a modest discharge of the body, a certain woman, it is not recommended to apply to the partners, a pharmacy that sold natural oils.
Plenty of a lot of fat normal
Why that is the case mostly psychological discomfort a character – woman, shy, strong currents, and therefore give up sex.
In addition, some male representatives consider inadequate, increasing humidity, the only sign of the female vagina immoral woman, or even mock him.
In fact, a healthy desire and arousal slack allocation is a sign the body's reaction to a typical state.
A consultation will help you to cope with the problem, instead of a sex therapist or family psychologist, not a gynecologist.